General purpose waxed fibreglassing finish. Ideal for waterproofing shower bases, roof guttering, boat and caravan repairs. Requires Norglass Polyester Catalyst for curing.
Polyester Resin straight from the Norglass Speciality Finishes range. A reliable solution for waterproofing and various fibreglass repairs. A strong, waxed fibreglassing finish is a guarantee of quality and durability.
From guttering and roof leaks to caravans, cars, even boats, showers and many other applications. Can be easily applied with a brush or a roller.
Remember it is required to use Norglass Polyester Catalyst with this product for the purpose of curing. It's naturally blue on its own, but when the catalyst is added, it actually turns green.
For the best and long-lasting effect, remember about the proper cleaning and surface preparation to improve adhesion. Some specific types of surfaces, like polystyrene, may require to be coated with water-based products before applying Norglass Polyester Resin.