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Study Projects

It's now time to focus up and get serious - but not too serious. 

The study room is a space dedicated to work, creativity and productivity. But just because it's essentially a home workspace, it doesn't mean there's no room for a little flair and bolder forms of self-expression. 

Make use of the soothing effects of green on the eyes and the mind that can help you completely reboot and energise your brain to be more efficient and creative.

See how you can add a bit of fun with a splash of more eye-catching colours, quirky accessories, funky shelves, rugs and more - all that to help you make work feel less like work!

Improve your performance and give yourself a boost by creating a space you want to spend time in. 

With the right colours and accessories, you can build a perfect place to do homework, study, work and hold online meetings - it doesn't take that much.

Not enough space? No worries, we've got you covered. Take full advantage of feature walls to mark the lines between the study corner and the rest of the room to set the rules very clearly - this is a place for work, and that one is dedicated to rest and relaxation.

Find inspiration for a space of inspiration - your study room!